Firstly, the Yonder Mountain String band was awesome. And with the help of one feisty red head and her super-tall husband, we were able to get a blackbird/crow/woodpecker on the stage right in front of the new mandolin player-- despite efforts by The Man to keep us back.
Let me just say, I LOVE Greenfield Lake Amphitheatre. And I get it. People sit on the stage and screw with the wires and likely spill beer where it shouldn't be spilled. I see how a fence might seem like a good idea. But it was weird. And the whole front row just collectively decided to push it forward-- so it was pretty useless, really.
Earlier this summer, you may have noticed, they started fencing off the little area in the woods where folks used to be able to listen for free. And man, I get that, too, even though I think it's dumb. I can't help but think that the tailgating will be tackled, homogenized, patrolled, and ruined soon enough-- just another reason to enjoy this amazing venue before the creeping tentacles of security and capitalism choke it out.
Fortunately, birds pay fences no mind. They sing and they fly without fear or inhibition. Blackbirds, in particular, sing to sooth themselves, to communicate, to warn, and seemingly just to make music. They tell us to heed warnings and omens. To pay attention to signs from the universe and from nature. To listen carefully. This one has a yin-yang symbol on it's back and a heart on it's chest. If you are in balance, and paying attention, your heart will pull you down the right path. Yonder Mountain certainly seemed on the right path. They let go of the showy mandolin player and the new one seemed a much better fit-- and the fiddler! The FIDDLER!
In other news: we're famous! Wilma magazine did a little spread about this project. It makes the whole thing seem so legitimate, doesn't it?

Thank you for the encouragement spirit people! And for all the help-- for laughing with us AND at us! For getting jazzed about giving AND getting-- this is a great community...goodness all around!
We will be out this weekend with the last batch from the late summer firing: buffalo, bear, deer, chipmunk-- and then back to the mud-oven for those of us who are fall animals. Love to all the beautiful beasts! Happy Labor Day weekend!