Tuesday, September 16, 2014

flamingo, flamingone

I spent at least a week carrying around the flamingo. It was kind of big and too heavy in my purse.  It had pointy legs.  It was cumbersome.  Everybody thinks they're a bear or a wolf or a hawk-- but flamingo spirits are harder to come by.

With a little detective work and maybe one too many beers, I think I found my flamingo spirit.  Luckily, this guy is a regular and predictable bar patron who had vocalized his flamingo-ness to other bar patrons-- so I was pointed in the right direction and it only took me two visits to find him.

Flamingos know how to stand out in a crowd.  Obviously.  Which is why, even though they're rare, they're not hard to find.  They are preening and emotional-- and they know the importance of color.  They get color from diet, so if the pink stuff isn't available they will fade to white.  The flamingo spirit should take in those things that nourish their heart and soul-- the stuff that intensifies their bright color-- and stay away from the things that make them fade.

Don't fade away, Flamingo guy!  

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