Thursday, August 6, 2015

finding our bearings

Well folks, it's been a while.  Sometimes updating this blog gives me a little anxiety.  The expectations seem too high-- I mean, I can barely use a comma-- I swear.

I try to keep the wildbeings facebook page a little more current, but even that seems beside the point.  I understand that documentation is sort of important to this project-- but it's not really the part that I like.  I like the discovery.  The unveiling.  The weird synchronicity that makes the elephant and the elephant- loving DJ find each other. Everything else is just WORDS.

That being said, the lack of updates is in no way indicative of any slowing down of spirit animals finding their pairings around town.  I'm still getting them out there on a weekly basis.  I left one in the rain at the cancelled Warren Haynes show on Monday.  Got a blue bunny off to some blue bunny girl at the duck and dive.  Got a broken wizard-fox to a broken dude (it's true-- he showed me scars!), finally found the perfect fit for the bearcat, and with a little help from my friends--  I think a few even made it to Chicago!
I have a new fall batch about to be fired.  And I will try to be more diligent about the blog posts and updates with this group.  It's a serious business, being a spirit animal distributor.   Back to it!  Better than ever!


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