Monday, June 2, 2014

Goose Song

My six year old daughter takes placing the animals pretty seriously.  She's learning to spot the right people and she's getting good at the barter or the drop-- depending which is appropriate.  So yesterday afternoon we were at the Satellite Bar with this bird.  It's a swan.  Or maybe a goose.  Both.  And my daughter came running to me: she KNOWS who should have the swan/goose!  She's POSITIVE!  So she runs out to get the bird out of our van and when she gets back, sadly, her human bird was gone.

Normally we might just choose another person.  But geez she was so INSISTANT about this being the right person for this bird!  So we gave it to the bartender hoping she would get it where it was intended to go. 

Swans and geese are both ridiculously loyal.  Protective.  This one had her wings wrapped around herself: protecting herself and anyone in her wingspan.  It's probably a pretty safe place to be. And considering how this particular bird was so kind in making sure our small iffy children made it up the brick steps without breaking their faces, I'd say this part suits her well.

But also: A swan can break a human arm with the beat of it's wings.  And if you've ever been chased by a mean goose-- well, it's scary.  And they pinch.  So I'd guess this is not a person to be messed with.

Geese are loud, they honk, they are storytellers.  Geese are sky and ground.  Reasonable.  Reliable.  Inspiring in their ability to work as a team.  When they fly in formation, nobody flies directly behind anybody else; nobody has an obstructed view.  Geese help each other along.

Swans are sky and water.  They are often silent.  Loaners.  They are more about inner-beauty manifesting into outer beauty.  They represent poetic prowess and a child-like imagination.  Swan is like the fancy, romantic, counterpart to goose.       

So if you got this bird, friendly-brown-dog-bird-lady or whoever, you might struggle with which of your super powers to use and when.  Are you a beautiful silent bone breaker?  Or a helpful honking friend?  You'd be wise to remember that you are both!

So long goose/swan!  I hope you got where you were going!    

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