Wednesday, April 29, 2015

fox in the wind

What a week it's been!

Took some junior spirit animal adventurers (my children) to Greenfield Lake on Friday to tailgate the Pink Floyd cover band and laser light show.  They hid a little bear.  I have no idea where, but I know it kept them busy for a good ten minutes.  Bears are starting to come out of their dens a little now.

Saturday night, Wildbeings attended the launch party for C'est La Guerre at the Goat and Compass. Somewhere between 10 and 15 little beasts left my nest.

So this is the thing: I enjoy beer.  I really do.  And on this night, I also enjoyed some sort of vodka-ginger-beer concoction.  I was wearing a creepy-cool fox mask and a REAL fox tail.  Everyone was wearing animal masks.  French pop music.  Four legs good, two legs bad.  Well, I hope you can understand how things are a little fuzzy.  Here's what I remember:

I gave a girl with an owl tattoo an owl before seeing the tattoo.  I gave an otter and a narwhal to people I've been looking for.  I gave a guy with a big beard a beet.  Yup, a beet.  (We're outsider art, man.)  And I hid a bunch of animals in hay and corners and pockets.  Gave some to the artists.  And then, who knows?  Apparently, I ventured across town, gave away my fox mask, and came home way too late, soaked in beer (presumably my own.)  It was a big night for those of us in the animal spirit business.

Wildbeings has some other big things going on in the next few weeks-- but for now, I'm thinking I might need to lay low-- or maybe start hanging out on the other side of town until that whole Fox on the Town Night blows over.

Spring! Always gets me.

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